Sitecore Commerce Engine - Using Commerce Commander
While extending Sitecore Commerce Engine, you often need to call other pipelines and/or commands (For example to find an entity or persist an entity).
Instead of injecting every single pipeline/command in your constructor, you can use Sitecore.Commerce.Core.CommerceCommander .
Let s take this example with a Block that performs these operations:
- Calls GetOrderCommand to get the order.
- Update the order ContactComponent.
- Add Lists to the order using AddLitEntitiesPipeline.
- Persist the order using PeristEntityPipeline
Without Commerce Commander the block would look like this:
Let s now write same code using Commerce Commander.
The block would look like this:
As you can see in this example, we only need to inject the CommerceCommander in the constructor, we can then access any registered command/pipeline.
It makes code changes much easier, since you don t need to change your constructor signature to be able to call different/additional pipelines or commands.
For more blogs about Sitecore Experience Commerce, please visit this link. For information on XCentium's Sitecore Commerce services, please click here.